Michele Jones Cheshire Photographer

Owen House Wedding Barn

Recently I visited the incredible Owen House Wedding Barn in  Mobberley for Gemma and Ian’s wedding. This quirky rustic wedding shack has really been dressed to impress. The outbuildings have been superbly converted  to accommodate bridal preparation, wedding ceremonies and reception rooms.

I met up with Gemma and her bridesmaids in the bridal suite all getting ready with the help of  the make up artist, music and champagne. The atmosphere was buzzing and relaxed. There was a lovely moment when gifts for the bridesmaids were presented by Gemma.

Soon after I headed over to meet Ian and his groomsmen who were all busy getting ready in the aptly named ‘Barber Shed’. All looking very dapper in their stylish suits, they were all in high spirits as they played on the football table. 

A Rustic Styled Ceremony at Owen House Barn

After heading back to the bridal suite I arrived just in time to capture Gemma’s dad seeing his daughter in her stunning dress. It was such a lovely touching moment as we had the first appearance of tears. Gemma looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress.

The service was both intimate and full of  happiness as they both gave emotional speeches followed by their vows and exchange of wedding rings. The love they have for one another was clearly on show as I’m sure you’ll see in the pics. Soon after the newlyweds were congratulated with a glass of champagne and hugs from their closest friends and family.

After the Ceremony

After the service, everyone went outside for a couple of group photos. Following this, as guests chatted and drinks flowed, pics were taken on the hale bales of the bridal party

Soon guests were then whisked inside for the reception meal. Speeches were before the meal. Great anecdotes were being recalled causing quite a few belly laughs throughout the party.

I also had help on hand from my assistant Natasha  who did a great in  taking some fab pics too! 

We spent an incredible day with Gemma and Ian, it was truly a privilege to be part of their wedding day. Wishing you both all the best for the future.

Assistant – Natasha from New Photography

Dress – New York Bride

Makeup – Make You Up

Mens suits – House of Cavani

Owen House Wedding Barn

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